
Will prices

 Salesperson, in the State of New York, I believe, and recognize, there are, at least, four possible prici ng trends and possibilities. With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 4 of these, related to the residential housing market. 1. Will it continue rising, at, or near, the present rate?: Most doubt real estate prices, will, continue rising, at this pace, for a prolonged period, into the future! Many factors created, somewhat of, a perfect storm, related to what we have witnessed, for about a year! The emotional stresses, and concerns, emulating from this horrific pandemic, a desire to make certain changes in lifestyle, and a desire to avoid, delaying, as well as close to record - low, mortgage interest rates, have contributed, as well as, in certain, popular, geographic areas/ regions, Supply and Demand, issues, which, created a Sellers Market, have accelerated this process, and results! 2. Continue rising, but, at a slow...

4 Reasons

 In, nearly - every financial area, it seems, some people seek to attempt to proceed, with a greater advantage, hoping to time, the specific component, in order to, hopefully, buy - low, and, sell - high! We often witness this behavior, regarding real estate buying and selling, especially, residential transactions! When prices seem to be trending, up, especially, in recent days, when we have seen a record - pace, of price increases, more individuals seem to be getting involved, in what is referred to as, flipping a property, which means, buying a particular house, at a perceived, opportunistic price, and making some, predominantly, cosmetic changes, and selling it, soon, at a profit! After, over 15 years, as a Real Estate Licensed Salesperson, in the State of New York, I have witnessed, this process, being successful, as well as, considerably - less, so! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 4 reasons, most people shouldn...

Rising Home Prices

 Historically, the real estate market, was, somewhat, cyclical, where, Sellers, Buyers, and Neutral Markets, from time - to - time, seemed to hold, the upper - hand! However, we have witnessed, for approximately, the last year (or so), at, or near, record - levels/ rates of increasing prices! Some wonder, whether this will continue, and, if, so, for how long, while others, seem to believe, this will be the new - normal! Since, there are several factors, involved, this article will briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, six of the more relevant ones, and why they matter, and the potential impacts, and ramifications, 1. Mortgage rates: Never before, at least, in recent memory, have we witnessed this prolonged period of record, or, near - record, low mortgage interest rates! Even, a slight amount of rate increase, has, reduced interest, to some degree, so, what might occur, when the Federal Reserve Bank, raises the costs of borrowing, as many believe, will occur, at least, ...