Will prices
Salesperson, in the State of New York, I believe, and recognize, there are, at least, four possible prici ng trends and possibilities. With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 4 of these, related to the residential housing market. 1. Will it continue rising, at, or near, the present rate?: Most doubt real estate prices, will, continue rising, at this pace, for a prolonged period, into the future! Many factors created, somewhat of, a perfect storm, related to what we have witnessed, for about a year! The emotional stresses, and concerns, emulating from this horrific pandemic, a desire to make certain changes in lifestyle, and a desire to avoid, delaying, as well as close to record - low, mortgage interest rates, have contributed, as well as, in certain, popular, geographic areas/ regions, Supply and Demand, issues, which, created a Sellers Market, have accelerated this process, and results! 2. Continue rising, but, at a slow...